Sunday, August 06, 2017

Associated RC12R6

Well its been a long time since my last 12th scale updates.

The Build is about to start
I have been racing on and off since the last 12th posts and must admit the influx of new, young talent in the UK has had me on the back foot! Work commitments in 2015 and 2016 very much compromised the time I could give to racing racing but the 2017/18 season is approaching in the UK and I am raring to go.

We have lovely 12th community here in "Blighty" and I am privilidged to be racing with Zen Racing and CML Distribution.

Associated RC12R6
I get a lot of people still commenting that this blog has helped them with 12th setup even after all this time so I have decided to give it a set of updates as I learn and develop with the Associated RC12R6!

Happy reading!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see this blog is up and running. You helped me a lot since the beginning of my 1/12 scale debut. Have fun!